Words That Have Lost Their Meaning.

Don't say something that you know you don't mean. Don't promise something that you know will never happen. Don't think that people won't be affected by your words. Because they are. People would trust and believe, it's one of our components I suppose...but once you start believing in the lies, truth becomes meaningless and from there on you're confused on what's true and what's not. To this day, I don't even know for sure what I feel is true, what I think is right or even the things that I believe are worth believing in. I HATE people who just blatantly say things without thinking. They don't understand what words can do. I mean ever heard of verbal abuse? It's another fucking form of bullying. I mean...I was part of it once in my life and trust me I do NOT want to be part of it ever again.
Another thing that I don't understand, is the over usage of the words "I love you". I mean the more you say it, the more it loses its meaning. I mean there's not POINT in saying those words when you don't mean it. Plus for those hearing those 3 words, they would believe in it because it's one of the most simplest yet most affective sentence in the human language. It expresses an emotion being passed on from one person to another and to me, that's a fuck load.So stop saying it if you don't fucking mean it!
I mean look at politicians nowadays promising shit to the people, just make sure you carry through with your promises. If not, then there was no point in saying them in the beginning. Personally, I've had so many promises made to me that have been broken. I actually believed in these promises, wishing they would come true. Instead I had to find out the hard way that they were just lies and a god damn facade.
I hope people would just understand that words can affect someone gravely. In order to stop unnecessary pain, just stop and think before you say something because once they leave your lips there's no way on getting them back.
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