Future Planning.

When did it ever become such a hassle? I mean honestly, when did high school become so stressful? Most of us are working our asses off just to get a decent application for a university. It's insane. Some are over the top! They join clubs, sports, community services and maintain a GPA of 4.0 and have no time to just relax.
What happened to learning to enlighten oneself? Or just out of enjoyment of a subject? It's just become this competition where we're all fighting one another...and the sad part is, is that it's the first stepping stone of our life path. I mean, after acceptance we can all take a breather and just chill. But for now, there's everyone telling you to get more involved, to study harder, to spend less time doing useless things (for eg. computer games, movies, hanging out with friends). We're only human, and more specifically, teenagers! How do you expect us to handle all of it? We need a fricking BALANCE!
Personally, I have such BAD time management...and I should honestly learn how to prioritize and stick with the bloody program. Thank goodness, sophomore year is coming to an end. I hate it, and want it to be OVER!
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